Its been just over a year since I got my push bike and put
this post up. The whole point of getting my push bike was to get myself fit, while still having fun.
So has it worked?
Gosford estate on last years cycle. |
I think it has! I'm really enjoying the cycling, My On One 456 has had loads of use, some of it quite expensively. I've made some new friends and spent alot more time exploring East Lothian, where I live. Last year I went on a
cycle round the coast organised by my mate Bruce. It was good fun but I was totally fucked afterwards. This year however I was fine, keeping up easily, not blowing out my arse. I managed to get up Gullane hill too, a first for me.
Photo by Jason Liddell |
Like last year we met up in Longniddrie railway station carpark. I rode down with Paul and Gary Extreme, we weer a bit late turning up as we managed to get a bit lost on the way doon. We pretty much followed the same route as last year, heading out around the nature reserve but skipping Gosford estate this time for political reasons.
Playing on the pugsleys.
Bruce in his natural habitat.
Gary extreme flying Jason's Pugsley.
My having a shot of Jason's Pug. Photo by Jason Liddell. |
We stopped at a beach and Gary B, Jason and Bruce gave folk a shot of their Pugsleys on the sand. I can't wait to get mine going. All was going well till I went pinging over the bars while following Jason along some singletrack, keep an eye out for it on the video at the bottom. It wasn't that sore when I crashed, but my hand got sorer as we rode out of the nature reserve.We still stopped off for a bite to eat at the
Gosford Bothy, which supplied us with the usual high standard of food. I had an ace chocolate brownie and shovelled a bacon and black pudding roll into my face. The rest of the group headed off back to Longniddrie along some more trails, but I had to head back on the road as my hand was totally fucked, I couldn't pull up on the bars or anything, so I just met up with everyone after for a pint or eight at the Longniddrie Inn. That was last Sunday and my hand is still pretty sore as I write this, so I must have sprained it or something. Anyway, the beers helped.
Bacon and black pudding. Good choice Jas.
Here's the video, lookout for my crash.